Friday, August 9, 2013

Church Mountain

This was my first time doing this hike to Church Mountain.  I went with a couple girlfriends and two well behaved dogs.  If you are looking for a rigorous hike with spectacular views this is a great one.

It starts with a series of brutal switchbacks and eventually opens up into a meadow that, at this time of year, was filled with flowers.  There were lots of biting flies but I managed without bug spray and only sustained one bite on my back.  

At the top there weren't many bugs fortunately, so we were able to relax and take in the view .  There are excellent views of Mt Baker, Glacier Peak, and even the Canadian Rockies!  Total mileage round trip is 8.5 miles with 3700 feet of elevation gain.  More info on WTA:  
Meadow after the switchbacks
Dogs cooling off in the stream.  The flies were brutal here.

Looking towards Canada
Great views in all directions

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